While growing up, technology was constantly an interest of mine. I had always wondered how they made computers faster. When I first heard about programming and how important it was to society, I wanted to get more involved with it. I would also keep myself up to date with the newest software Microsoft came out with. Microsoft has some of the best programmers in the world, and I would do anything to be apart of it. One of the first steps I took to prepare myself for a career in programming is taking courses in high school. One course that had helped me decide to pursue a career in software development was the first computer science introductory class I took. I learned all about the basics of Java and how it is used in real world applications. Ever since I completed that course I have wanted to get a job in the software industry. While attending Allegheny College I have not only stregthened my skills as a developer, but I have become a better person overall. During my years at Allegheny, I have learned to always look forward to the next challenge. To me success is not about what you have done, but rather what you did to get where you are today. In the end, the challenges we overcome today is what really matters.

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